Mine closure guidelines western australia Groote Eylandt

Mine closure guidelines western australia

KCGM Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy 070822 Australia: Mining 2020. The ICLG to: Mining Laws and Regulations - Australia covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the mechanics of acquisition of rights, foreign ownership and indigenous ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, beneficiation – in 28 jurisdictions.

Western Australia releases standards for mine

Guidelines for Mine Closure Plans in Western Australia. STANDARD GUIDANCE (COP 40) Mine Rehabilitation and Closure A. Definition and applicability Mine closure is a process undertaken when the operational stage of a mine is ending or has ended, and the final decommissioning and mine rehabilitation is being underway., The 2015 updates of the Western Australia Mine Closure guidelines have been finalised. Social license to mine is influenced by the condition in which we leave mines after closure. While specifically written for the WA regulatory context, the 2015.

This submission is in response to the invitation from Western Australian Government's Depart of Mine and Petroleum for stakeholder feedback on the draft ‘Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans October 2014’. AusIMM considers that the minerals sector is a major contributor to global community and economic wellbeing. Governments Mines and Petroleum Minister, Bill Johnston, said the new guidance is a great example of government and industry working together to deliver better rehabilitation outcomes for the state. “It provides industry with greater clarity and consistency in the development of mine closure plans across different locations and commodities,” he said.

Government of Western Australia Government of Western Australia . Department of Mines and PetroleumDepartment of Mines and Petroleum. Mine Closure Plans introduced in 2011 • Required as part of the Mining Proposal lodgement • Guidelines updated 2015 co-badged by DMP and EPA. Consultation with stakeholders on agreed post-mining land use A common-sense approach to mine closure design in the remote Western Australian interior A Wright 636 Mine Closure 2016, Perth, Australia Figure 1 Location of Yilgarn Craton region within Western Australia An additional driver for raising awareness in mine closure planning has been the …

2 GUIDELINES FOR MINE CLOSURE PLANS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA PURPOSE This document is the guideline as defined in section 70O of the Mining Act 1978 for the purposes of Division 3, Part IV outlining the form and content of information required in a mine closure plan. abandoned mine sites in Western Australia and a number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Underpinning this research is the assumption that recent policy and regulatory developments for mine closure planning in Western Australia may be of value for adaptation and application within

Western Australian water in mining guideline Water licensing delivery series no. 12 Department of Water vii How does this guideline relate to other legislation and policy? The Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 governs the regulation and rights associated with water resources in Western Australia… Guidelines for Mining Proposals in Western Australia - February 2006 - 869 K b. The 2006 Guideline can be used for the remainder of 2016. From 1 January 2017 all new mining operations must submit a mining proposal in accordance with the 2016 Guideline.

2 GUIDELINES FOR MINE CLOSURE PLANS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA PURPOSE This document is the guideline as defined in section 70O of the Mining Act 1978 for the purposes of Division 3, Part IV outlining the form and content of information required in a mine closure plan. Ensure effective closure, decommission and rehabilitation. At the start of 2014 Western Australia’s (WA) Department of Mines and Petroleum and the Environmental Protection Authority commenced a collaborative consultation process to review and update WA’s mine closure guidelines.

Australia: Mining 2020. The ICLG to: Mining Laws and Regulations - Australia covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the mechanics of acquisition of rights, foreign ownership and indigenous ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, beneficiation – in 28 jurisdictions. This provides insights into current understanding and consideration of post-mine land use decisions, completion criteria, risk assessment and monitoring practices, and the process of mine closure planning in Western Australia. The interviews and surveys also highlight the key challenges regulators, mining companies and consulting sector face in

Unsaturated Soils Guidelines – Volume 1 Select options; Sale! Environmental Sampling and Modelling for the Prediction of Long-Term Water Quality of Mine Pit Lakes Select options; Sale! Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management Select options; Mine Closure 2016 Proceedings Read more; Mine Closure 2019 Proceedings Select options; Mine Closure 2015 Proceedings Select options; Sale! Mine Closure The new Statutory Guidelines will supersede the existing Guidelines for mine closure plans (2015), Guidelines for mining proposals in Western Australia (2006) and Guidelines for mining proposals in Western Australia (2016). From the date of commencement of the Statutory Guidelines, DMIRS will require that mining proposals are submitted either

Government of Western Australia 2014a, Environmental Protection Authority Annual Report 2013-14. Government of Western Australia 2014b, Department of Mines and Petroleum, Mining Rehabilitation Fund Fact Sheet May 2014. International Council on Mining and Metals 2008, Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit. framework for mine closure across Australia and has incorporated these into closure planning and decommissioning to date (i.e. Mt Charlotte Closure Plan 2001) and into the development of this Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy. This Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy has been prepared in line with the ANZMEC framework and objectives. This strategy

The mine closure guidelines have been prepared jointly by the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). They are a revision of the 2011 guidelines and aim to ensure Western Australian mines can be decommissioned, rehabilitated and closed in an ecologically sustainable way. STANDARD GUIDANCE (COP 40) Mine Rehabilitation and Closure A. Definition and applicability Mine closure is a process undertaken when the operational stage of a mine is ending or has ended, and the final decommissioning and mine rehabilitation is being underway.

6 Auditor General Western Australia n Ensuring Compliance with Conditions on Mining [Contents] Following the assessment process, approval to mine will generally be provided in one of two ways, both of which will contain conditions with which the operator must comply: It is critical for the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as the lead regulator of the mining industry in Western Australia, to have an effective legislative framework that encourages mine closure planning and minimises closure liability for the State.

New guidance to improve rehabilitation of WA mine sites. A new report published today by The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) reveals that mine closure “rehabilitation conditions are often seen as aspirational objectives or performance management tools rather than achievable targets.” The report, “A review of mine rehabilitation condition setting in Western Australia” is the culmination of a research project that, The rehabilitation of Western Australia’s unique flora and vegetation following the closure of large-scale mines in the years ahead looms as a major environmental issue and enduring concern for the EPA. With WA boasting a vast array of biodiverse flora and vegetation, rehabilitation requires considerable planning, effort and expense. For the.

Mining 2020 Laws and Regulations Australia ICLG

Mine closure guidelines western australia

New guidance to improve rehabilitation of WA mine sites. The Government of South Australia’s approach to effective regulation, including decision-making will be achieved by: Application of recognised industry and national standards; A whole-of-mine-life approach through exploration, pre-production phases, production phase and the post-production phases including mine closure and completion, I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information within this Mine Closure Plan and checklist is true and correct and addresses all the requirements of the Guidelines for the Preparation of a Mine Closure Plan approved by the Director General of the Department of Mines and Petroleum..

Ensuring Compliance with Conditions on Mining. Abstract: In recent years Western Australia has seen a far greater focus on mine closure planning, with both the Government and the Mining Industry tackling implementation of rather conceptual mine closure strategies that are set early in the mine life. Both practitioners and Government stakeholders have the best of intentions when setting mine closure objectives, standards and completion, I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information within this Mine Closure Plan and checklist is true and correct and addresses all the requirements of the Guidelines for the Preparation of a Mine Closure Plan approved by the Director General of the Department of Mines and Petroleum..

mine closures Archives Australian Mining

Mine closure guidelines western australia

A Review of Mine Closure Planning and Practice in Canada. Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston has announced a new guidance for the rehabilitation of Western Australian mine sites. The guidance is titled ‘A framework for developing mine-site completion criteria in Western Australia’ and outlines environmental criteria that mine operators can use to demonstrate they have successfully and sustainably rehabilitated their site after mining. The framework for mine closure across Australia and has incorporated these into closure planning and decommissioning to date (i.e. Mt Charlotte Closure Plan 2001) and into the development of this Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy. This Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy has been prepared in line with the ANZMEC framework and objectives. This strategy.

Mine closure guidelines western australia

• ‘Mine Closure Guidelines for Minerals Operation in Western Australia’, October 2000 prepared by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia. KCGM recognises the importance of the above guidelines in providing a consistent framework for mine closure across Australia and has incorporated these into closure West Angelas Closure Plan April 2018 Page 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . Overview . West Angelas is an open cut iron ore mine located in the Eastern Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately 105 km north-west of Newman. The mine uses conventional drill-and-blast and load-and-haul mining methods to remove iron ore from above and below the water

The West Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum have released new guidelines for mines closures.Dubbed Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans, it is designed to aid MINE CLOSURE AND COMPLETION CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv FOREWORD vii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLOSURE 3 2.1 Sustainable development issues for closure 5 2.2 Closure objectives, strategy and context 8 Case study: Bottle Creek Mine, Western Australia 11 2.3 Managing closure risk 12

6 Auditor General Western Australia n Ensuring Compliance with Conditions on Mining [Contents] Following the assessment process, approval to mine will generally be provided in one of two ways, both of which will contain conditions with which the operator must comply: West Angelas Closure Plan April 2018 Page 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . Overview . West Angelas is an open cut iron ore mine located in the Eastern Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately 105 km north-west of Newman. The mine uses conventional drill-and-blast and load-and-haul mining methods to remove iron ore from above and below the water

Government of Western Australia 2014a, Environmental Protection Authority Annual Report 2013-14. Government of Western Australia 2014b, Department of Mines and Petroleum, Mining Rehabilitation Fund Fact Sheet May 2014. International Council on Mining and Metals 2008, Planning for Integrated Mine Closure: Toolkit. Unsaturated Soils Guidelines – Volume 1 Select options; Sale! Environmental Sampling and Modelling for the Prediction of Long-Term Water Quality of Mine Pit Lakes Select options; Sale! Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management Select options; Mine Closure 2016 Proceedings Read more; Mine Closure 2019 Proceedings Select options; Mine Closure 2015 Proceedings Select options; Sale! Mine Closure

The rehabilitation of Western Australia’s unique flora and vegetation following the closure of large-scale mines in the years ahead looms as a major environmental issue and enduring concern for the EPA. With WA boasting a vast array of biodiverse flora and vegetation, rehabilitation requires considerable planning, effort and expense. For the I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information within this Mine Closure Plan and checklist is true and correct and addresses all the requirements of the Guidelines for the Preparation of a Mine Closure Plan approved by the Director General of the Department of Mines and Petroleum.

Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans. in 2011. The aim of the guidelines is to ensure that, for every mine in Western Australia, a planning process is in place so that the mine can be closed, decommissioned and rehabilitated to meet DMP and EPA’s objectives for . rehabilitation and closure. Mine closure planning should be an integral It is critical for the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as the lead regulator of the mining industry in Western Australia, to have an effective legislative framework that encourages mine closure planning and minimises closure liability for the State.

It is critical for the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as the lead regulator of the mining industry in Western Australia, to have an effective legislative framework that encourages mine closure planning and minimises closure liability for the State. Ensure effective closure, decommission and rehabilitation. At the start of 2014 Western Australia’s (WA) Department of Mines and Petroleum and the Environmental Protection Authority commenced a collaborative consultation process to review and update WA’s mine closure guidelines.

This Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry handbook looks at mine closure approaches to prevent or minimise adverse long-term environmental, physical, social and economic impacts. New mine closure guidelines to help rehabilitate landscapes. A new framework guiding successful mine closures and restoration projects has been developed by a partnership between scientists, regulators and the mining industry. Released by the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI), the report is the first of its kind in Australia, and will contribute to better social and

It is critical for the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as the lead regulator of the mining industry in Western Australia, to have an effective legislative framework that encourages mine closure planning and minimises closure liability for the State. This Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry handbook looks at mine closure approaches to prevent or minimise adverse long-term environmental, physical, social and economic impacts.

abandoned mine sites in Western Australia and a number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Underpinning this research is the assumption that recent policy and regulatory developments for mine closure planning in Western Australia may be of value for adaptation and application within It is critical for the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as the lead regulator of the mining industry in Western Australia, to have an effective legislative framework that encourages mine closure planning and minimises closure liability for the State.

It is critical for the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as the lead regulator of the mining industry in Western Australia, to have an effective legislative framework that encourages mine closure planning and minimises closure liability for the State. Government of Western Australia Government of Western Australia . Department of Mines and PetroleumDepartment of Mines and Petroleum. Mine Closure Plans introduced in 2011 • Required as part of the Mining Proposal lodgement • Guidelines updated 2015 co-badged by DMP and EPA. Consultation with stakeholders on agreed post-mining land use

Western Australia releases standards for mine

Mine closure guidelines western australia

Western Australia announces new guidance for minesite. The Government of South Australia’s approach to effective regulation, including decision-making will be achieved by: Application of recognised industry and national standards; A whole-of-mine-life approach through exploration, pre-production phases, production phase and the post-production phases including mine closure and completion, Mines and Petroleum Minister, Bill Johnston, said the new guidance is a great example of government and industry working together to deliver better rehabilitation outcomes for the state. “It provides industry with greater clarity and consistency in the development of mine closure plans across different locations and commodities,” he said..

Improving the legislative framework for mine closure in

Australian Organising Committee Mine Closure 2019. It is critical for the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as the lead regulator of the mining industry in Western Australia, to have an effective legislative framework that encourages mine closure planning and minimises closure liability for the State., Mines and Petroleum Minister, Bill Johnston, said the new guidance is a great example of government and industry working together to deliver better rehabilitation outcomes for the state. “It provides industry with greater clarity and consistency in the development of mine closure plans across different locations and commodities,” he said..

MINE CLOSURE AND COMPLETION CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv FOREWORD vii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLOSURE 3 2.1 Sustainable development issues for closure 5 2.2 Closure objectives, strategy and context 8 Case study: Bottle Creek Mine, Western Australia 11 2.3 Managing closure risk 12 Abstract: In recent years Western Australia has seen a far greater focus on mine closure planning, with both the Government and the Mining Industry tackling implementation of rather conceptual mine closure strategies that are set early in the mine life. Both practitioners and Government stakeholders have the best of intentions when setting mine closure objectives, standards and completion

Unsaturated Soils Guidelines – Volume 1 Select options; Sale! Environmental Sampling and Modelling for the Prediction of Long-Term Water Quality of Mine Pit Lakes Select options; Sale! Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management Select options; Mine Closure 2016 Proceedings Read more; Mine Closure 2019 Proceedings Select options; Mine Closure 2015 Proceedings Select options; Sale! Mine Closure Guidelines for Mining Proposals in Western Australia - February 2006 - 869 K b. The 2006 Guideline can be used for the remainder of 2016. From 1 January 2017 all new mining operations must submit a mining proposal in accordance with the 2016 Guideline.

Ensure effective closure, decommission and rehabilitation. At the start of 2014 Western Australia’s (WA) Department of Mines and Petroleum and the Environmental Protection Authority commenced a collaborative consultation process to review and update WA’s mine closure guidelines. Unsaturated Soils Guidelines – Volume 1 Select options; Sale! Environmental Sampling and Modelling for the Prediction of Long-Term Water Quality of Mine Pit Lakes Select options; Sale! Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management Select options; Mine Closure 2016 Proceedings Read more; Mine Closure 2019 Proceedings Select options; Mine Closure 2015 Proceedings Select options; Sale! Mine Closure

New mine closure guidelines to help rehabilitate landscapes. A new framework guiding successful mine closures and restoration projects has been developed by a partnership between scientists, regulators and the mining industry. Released by the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI), the report is the first of its kind in Australia, and will contribute to better social and Australia: Mining 2020. The ICLG to: Mining Laws and Regulations - Australia covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the mechanics of acquisition of rights, foreign ownership and indigenous ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, beneficiation – in 28 jurisdictions.

The 2015 updates of the Western Australia Mine Closure guidelines have been finalised. Social license to mine is influenced by the condition in which we leave mines after closure. While specifically written for the WA regulatory context, the 2015 A Review of Mine Closure Planning and Practice in Canada and Australia SM Zobaidul Kabir1, Fazle Rabbi2, Mamta B Chowdhury3 and Delwar Akbar4 This paper reviews mine closure practice in Australia

A common-sense approach to mine closure design in the remote Western Australian interior A Wright 636 Mine Closure 2016, Perth, Australia Figure 1 Location of Yilgarn Craton region within Western Australia An additional driver for raising awareness in mine closure planning has been the … This Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry handbook looks at mine closure approaches to prevent or minimise adverse long-term environmental, physical, social and economic impacts.

New mine closure guidelines to help rehabilitate landscapes. A new framework guiding successful mine closures and restoration projects has been developed by a partnership between scientists, regulators and the mining industry. Released by the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI), the report is the first of its kind in Australia, and will contribute to better social and GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND PETROLEUM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY REVIEW OF ‘GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING MINE CLOSURE PLANS - JUNE 2011’ JANUARY 2014 Contact: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

This submission is in response to the invitation from Western Australian Government's Depart of Mine and Petroleum for stakeholder feedback on the draft ‘Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans October 2014’. AusIMM considers that the minerals sector is a major contributor to global community and economic wellbeing. Governments Western Australia has introduced a guidance for the rehabilitation of mine sites, which received funding from mining companies such as BHP, Rio Tinto and Roy Hill.

A Review of Mine Closure Planning and Practice in Canada and Australia SM Zobaidul Kabir1, Fazle Rabbi2, Mamta B Chowdhury3 and Delwar Akbar4 This paper reviews mine closure practice in Australia 6 Auditor General Western Australia n Ensuring Compliance with Conditions on Mining [Contents] Following the assessment process, approval to mine will generally be provided in one of two ways, both of which will contain conditions with which the operator must comply:

Unsaturated Soils Guidelines – Volume 1 Select options; Sale! Environmental Sampling and Modelling for the Prediction of Long-Term Water Quality of Mine Pit Lakes Select options; Sale! Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management Select options; Mine Closure 2016 Proceedings Read more; Mine Closure 2019 Proceedings Select options; Mine Closure 2015 Proceedings Select options; Sale! Mine Closure Guidelines for Mining Proposals supersede the Department of Minerals and Energy Guidelines to help you get Environmental Approvals for Mining Projects in Western Australia (March 1998). The Guidelines for Mining Proposals will be issued periodically in response tonew legislative requirements and to improve, or streamline, the approval process

Paper A common-sense approach to mine closure design in. framework for mine closure across Australia and has incorporated these into closure planning and decommissioning to date (i.e. Mt Charlotte Closure Plan 2001) and into the development of this Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy. This Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy has been prepared in line with the ANZMEC framework and objectives. This strategy, Australia: Mining 2020. The ICLG to: Mining Laws and Regulations - Australia covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the mechanics of acquisition of rights, foreign ownership and indigenous ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, beneficiation – in 28 jurisdictions..

Guidelines and procedures EPA Western Australia

Mine closure guidelines western australia

Joint Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans EPA. 01/10/2015 · The 2015 updates of the Western Australia Mine Closure guidelines have been finalised. Social license to mine is influenced by the condition in which we leave mines after closure. While specifically written for the WA regulatory context, the 2015 guidelines provide wider value across Australia, as they capture the key elements of leading, 14th International Conference on Mine Closure 18-20 August 2020 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 2020 International Symposium on Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering 12-14 May 2020 Perth, Western Australia: ACG Online Repository: University of Reading: Mine Closure ….

Australian Organising Committee Mine Closure 2019. New mine closure guidelines to help rehabilitate landscapes. A new framework guiding successful mine closures and restoration projects has been developed by a partnership between scientists, regulators and the mining industry. Released by the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI), the report is the first of its kind in Australia, and will contribute to better social and, stipulated in the Guideline for Mining Proposals in Western Australia, and Mine Closure Guidelines. This guideline has been developed to assist the proponents in preparing, and assist the assessing officers in reviewing, BRM proposals to enable them to understand the level or scope of an operation, determine a relevant or appropriate level of.

A Review of Mine Closure Planning and Practice in Canada

Mine closure guidelines western australia

West Angelas Closure Plan April 2018. This Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry handbook looks at mine closure approaches to prevent or minimise adverse long-term environmental, physical, social and economic impacts. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information within this Mine Closure Plan and checklist is true and correct and addresses all the requirements of the Guidelines for the Preparation of a Mine Closure Plan approved by the Director General of the Department of Mines and Petroleum..

Mine closure guidelines western australia

  • KCGM Conceptual Mine Closure Strategy 070822
  • A framework for developing mine-site completion criteria
  • A framework for developing mine-site completion criteria

  • MINE CLOSURE AND COMPLETION CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv FOREWORD vii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLOSURE 3 2.1 Sustainable development issues for closure 5 2.2 Closure objectives, strategy and context 8 Case study: Bottle Creek Mine, Western Australia 11 2.3 Managing closure risk 12 Unsaturated Soils Guidelines – Volume 1 Select options; Sale! Environmental Sampling and Modelling for the Prediction of Long-Term Water Quality of Mine Pit Lakes Select options; Sale! Mine Pit Lakes: Closure and Management Select options; Mine Closure 2016 Proceedings Read more; Mine Closure 2019 Proceedings Select options; Mine Closure 2015 Proceedings Select options; Sale! Mine Closure

    New mine closure guidelines to help rehabilitate landscapes. A new framework guiding successful mine closures and restoration projects has been developed by a partnership between scientists, regulators and the mining industry. Released by the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI), the report is the first of its kind in Australia, and will contribute to better social and This provides insights into current understanding and consideration of post-mine land use decisions, completion criteria, risk assessment and monitoring practices, and the process of mine closure planning in Western Australia. The interviews and surveys also highlight the key challenges regulators, mining companies and consulting sector face in

    Abstract: In recent years Western Australia has seen a far greater focus on mine closure planning, with both the Government and the Mining Industry tackling implementation of rather conceptual mine closure strategies that are set early in the mine life. Both practitioners and Government stakeholders have the best of intentions when setting mine closure objectives, standards and completion This provides insights into current understanding and consideration of post-mine land use decisions, completion criteria, risk assessment and monitoring practices, and the process of mine closure planning in Western Australia. The interviews and surveys also highlight the key challenges regulators, mining companies and consulting sector face in

    • ‘Mine Closure Guidelines for Minerals Operation in Western Australia’, October 2000 prepared by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia. KCGM recognises the importance of the above guidelines in providing a consistent framework for mine closure across Australia and has incorporated these into closure Western Australia has introduced a guidance for the rehabilitation of mine sites, which received funding from mining companies such as BHP, Rio Tinto and Roy Hill.

    This submission is in response to the invitation from Western Australian Government's Depart of Mine and Petroleum for stakeholder feedback on the draft ‘Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans October 2014’. AusIMM considers that the minerals sector is a major contributor to global community and economic wellbeing. Governments This submission is in response to the invitation from Western Australian Government's Depart of Mine and Petroleum for stakeholder feedback on the draft ‘Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans October 2014’. AusIMM considers that the minerals sector is a major contributor to global community and economic wellbeing. Governments

    GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND PETROLEUM ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY REVIEW OF ‘GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING MINE CLOSURE PLANS - JUNE 2011’ JANUARY 2014 Contact: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 14th International Conference on Mine Closure 18-20 August 2020 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 2020 International Symposium on Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering 12-14 May 2020 Perth, Western Australia: ACG Online Repository: University of Reading: Mine Closure …

    The miner originally announced the site’s closure in 2014, proposing a December 2015 closure at the time due to end of mine life. This has now been pushed to Q2 of 2016. It is understood that a 6 Auditor General Western Australia n Ensuring Compliance with Conditions on Mining [Contents] Following the assessment process, approval to mine will generally be provided in one of two ways, both of which will contain conditions with which the operator must comply:

    01/10/2015 · The 2015 updates of the Western Australia Mine Closure guidelines have been finalised. Social license to mine is influenced by the condition in which we leave mines after closure. While specifically written for the WA regulatory context, the 2015 guidelines provide wider value across Australia, as they capture the key elements of leading Ensure effective closure, decommission and rehabilitation. At the start of 2014 Western Australia’s (WA) Department of Mines and Petroleum and the Environmental Protection Authority commenced a collaborative consultation process to review and update WA’s mine closure guidelines.

    Government of Western Australia Government of Western Australia . Department of Mines and PetroleumDepartment of Mines and Petroleum. Mine Closure Plans introduced in 2011 • Required as part of the Mining Proposal lodgement • Guidelines updated 2015 co-badged by DMP and EPA. Consultation with stakeholders on agreed post-mining land use A Review of Mine Closure Planning and Practice in Canada and Australia SM Zobaidul Kabir1, Fazle Rabbi2, Mamta B Chowdhury3 and Delwar Akbar4 This paper reviews mine closure practice in Australia

    The new Statutory Guidelines will supersede the existing Guidelines for mine closure plans (2015), Guidelines for mining proposals in Western Australia (2006) and Guidelines for mining proposals in Western Australia (2016). From the date of commencement of the Statutory Guidelines, DMIRS will require that mining proposals are submitted either 2 GUIDELINES FOR MINE CLOSURE PLANS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA PURPOSE This document is the guideline as defined in section 70O of the Mining Act 1978 for the purposes of Division 3, Part IV outlining the form and content of information required in a mine closure plan.

    Mine closure guidelines western australia

    The EPA's guidelines and procedures framework separates the EPA’s documents into two streams – those which apply to the EPA’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) of proposals and scheme, and other documents published by the EPA which do not apply to EIA. STANDARD GUIDANCE (COP 40) Mine Rehabilitation and Closure A. Definition and applicability Mine closure is a process undertaken when the operational stage of a mine is ending or has ended, and the final decommissioning and mine rehabilitation is being underway.

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